All classes use A=440
- 9 am Assigned Ensemble - Like instruments: Recorder, Viol or Baroque Flute. Ensemble music with technique guidance .
- 1 pm Assigned Consort - Like instruments or a combination of winds and strings: a "Broken Consort".
You will have the opportunity to select your elective classes after registering for the Workshop.
Large Ensembles
(elective classes)
- All Workshop Ensemble (Eric, all instruments & voices, all levels, Chapel)
- Bass Consort (James, all sizes of Bass Recorders, Level 2)
- Renaissance Band (Stew,
all instruments, all levels, Chapel)
- Vocal / Instrumental Ensemble (anyone who likes to sing, instruments Int 2)
- Baroque Sonatas(Gwyn, Intermediate 1)
- Baroque Trio Sonatas
(Alastair & Patty, Int 2, limited number of spaces, Chapel)
- Crumhorn consort
(Chris Rua, Bold, a few crumhorns are generally available to borrow)
- Early Brass Ensemble
Sackbut & Cornetto
- English Country Dancing, dancers & musicians
(all dances taught and called, novices welcome)
- Playing with Harpsichord (Alastair, your music, any level, sign up list outside the Chapel)
- Renaissance Dance Music
(Alastair, all levels)
- Truly Contemporary recorder ensemble
(Majbritt, Int 2, Bold Hall)
- Try a new instrument: Viol or Harp
(We have Instruments to borrow, held in Bold Hall)
- Yoga for Musicians
(Majbritt, certified instructor. Everyone welcome to this adaptive class, Bold Hall)
(more to come)
Concerts & Special Presentations
- Faculty Concert
(Wednesday evening, Chapel, guests welcome)
- Ad-hoc student concert
(Thursday, Chapel)
- All Workshop Student Concert (Friday, Chapel)
- Lecture/Presentation (Wed morning, Chapel)
- Private lessons may be arranged for all instruments, including harpsichord. (lesson fee determined by instructor and payable in cash).